Stephanie Taylor

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Las Pinturas Body Painting son una obra artística en la cual, el cuerpo es maquillado y donde el artista se expresa para transmitir un mensaje.

El Body Painting es una forma de arte en la que se utiliza pintura sobre el cuerpo de una persona. De tal forma que, esto da como resultado una obra artística viviente y con movimiento. Asimismo, es un trabajo que amerita dedicación y conocimiento del artista sobre las técnicas y materiales para trabajar sobre el cuerpo humano. De igual forma, el

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Ha venido evolucionando con los años, y es una de las primeras formas de expresión que tuvo el hombre en sus orígenes.

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Es un arte que se utilizaba como forma de expresión desde hace miles de años por grupos de la cultura precolombina. Por lo tanto, el origen de este arte se remonta desde el nacimiento de la humanidad. De tal manera que, existieron culturas milenarias que decoraban el cuerpo con pigmentos naturales. Por lo tanto, el

Formaba parte de una tradición de culturas indígenas precolombinas, culturas africanas y culturas orientales. Asimismo, en la época de la prehistoria, el hombre reafirmaba su identidad y la del grupo donde pertenecía, aplicándose pigmentos sobre su cuerpo.

En épocas remotas, el hombre utilizó, para decorar su cuerpo, pinturas que eran sacadas de tierra coloreada, o arcilla. Además, utilizaban madera, sangre de animales, carbón o tiza. De esta forma, identificaban a sus tribus, y, además, amedrentaban o espantaban a sus enemigos. Asimismo, lo utilizaban para diversos ritos, ceremonias y para cazar.

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Por otra parte, existieron grupos indígenas de Sudamérica que utilizaban una pintura similar a la henna. Además, utilizaban el carbón, con lo cual decoraban el cuerpo para representar algún hecho, según el o símbolo que pintaban. Por otra parte, la henna, cuyos pigmentos iban desde el anaranjado y, hasta el negro, eran utilizados como pintura corporal en la India para ceremonias religiosas.

Este arte milenario era una forma importante de expresarse de acuerdo a los ritos y celebraciones. De tal modo que, era utilizado por culturas antiguas en el nacimiento de un niño, para camuflarse para la guerra o para cazar. Asimismo, era utilizado al momento de la muerte, cuando un niño se convertía en adulto, en matrimonios y para ritos y otras celebraciones.

Fue utilizado por diversas culturas y, en la actualidad, aún se observa que es practicada por diversos grupos. Estos grupos se encuentran en la región de Australia, en zonas de África, entre otros.

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En la actualidad el Body Painting ha tenido éxito, ya que, es una actividad en la que, a pesar de ser realizada en un cuerpo desnudo, mantiene el pudor.

Es utilizado para celebraciones y diversiones, y para decorar el cuerpo en épocas de carnavales, fiestas, o desfiles de moda. De igual forma es utilizado en la barriga de mujeres embarazadas, y se le llama Belly Painting. En ellas dibujan desde figuras de su ecografía, el nombre del bebé, figuras de animales, entre otros.

Es un arte que se expresa en un cuerpo desnudo, sin dejar entrever las zonas del cuerpo. Por lo tanto, es un arte donde el cuerpo es el lienzo

 - Body Art Características Generales De Laurentiis Cinematografica

Qué Es Body Painting? Sus Usos En El Cine

Es temporal y puede durar máximo un día. Por lo cual, es una expresión del arte, cuyo trabajo artístico se verá prolongado en fotografías o vídeos.

Se utilizan pinturas cuya base es acuosa o aceitosa, y las cuales se aplican sobre la piel para fundirlas con el cuerpo. De tal forma que, da como resultado una obra de arte en movimiento.

Este hermoso arte es complementado con la danza, la expresión corporal, la música, o el manejo de los espacios. De tal manera que estas son herramientas en las que se apoya el artista para expresarse.

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. De tal manera que, con esta técnica se caracteriza el maquillaje, utilizando una pintura que al secarse deja una delgada capa sobre la piel. De tal forma que, esta delgada capa es de goma y permite crear relieves y efectos especiales en la pintura o maquillaje sobre el cuerpo.

Esta es una técnica en la que se utiliza una pistola que contiene un compresor, y expulsa la pintura con propulsión de aire. De igual forma, dicha pistola, tiene un depósito donde se coloca la pintura que se va a utilizar.

Body Art - Body Art Características Generales De Laurentiis Cinematografica

Esta técnica con aerógrafo permite la uniformidad al aplicar la pintura y, además, permite que puedan realizar degradados en la obra de arte. Asimismo, permite al artista aplicar efectos de texturizado en su obra.

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Es una técnica en la cual el artista utiliza un pincel que le permite hacer los detalles, rellenos y bordes con mayor efectividad. De tal manera que, con el pincel, el artista le puede dar mayor realismo a su obra.

El artista debe utilizar la pintura correcta, ya que, al utilizar otro tipo de pintura, puede ser tóxica y generar riesgos para la salud.

Debe ser realizado por el artista en una piel limpia y sana. De tal forma que no debe ser realizado en pieles irritadas o con cicatrices recientes.

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Es importante que el artista limpie correctamente las esponjas, el pincel y todos los instrumentos utilizados en su pintura. De tal modo que, con ello se evite que se propaguen enfermedades a través de estos.

Qué Es Body Painting? Sus Usos En El Cine - Body Art Características Generales De Laurentiis Cinematografica

Antes de aplicar la pintura sobre el cuerpo desnudo, es importante que el artista limpie muy bien la piel con agua mineral.

El Body Painting es una obra de arte sobre el cuerpo humano desnudo. ¿Te gustaría ser el lienzo de este arte?, o ¿el artista?

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Pembelian mendesak GameStop adalah pembelian mendesak efek GameStop dan sejumlah efek lain yang diperdagangkan di Bursa Efek New York dan NASDAQ di antara bursa saham lainnya. Pembelian mendesak GameStop meningkatkan harga saham hingga hampir 900 kali lipat dari rekor terendahnya, menyentuh harga $500 tiap sahap pada 28 Januari 2021, sehingga menyebabkan kerugian besar bagi penjual saham kosong. Ketergesaan untuk menutupi posisi ini hanya akan mendorong harga lebih tinggi lagi.

Pada 28 Januari, Robinhood menghentikan pembelian efek GameStop dan efek lainnya, sehingga mendapatkan kritik dan tuduhan manipulasi pasar dan politikus dan pelaku bisnis terkemuka dari seluruh spektrum politik, termasuk Senator Ted Cruz, Anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Donald Trump Jr., dan CEO Tesla Elon Musk. Gugatan perwakilan kelompok juga diajukan terhadap Robinhood di Distrik Selatan New York dan Distrik Utara Illinois Pengadilan Distrik Amerika Serikat.

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Pada 22 Januari 2021, sekitar 140% dari pengambangan GameStop (porsi saham perusahaan yang berada di tangan investor publik) telah dijual kosong, bermakna saham yang dijual kosong dipinjamkan kembali dan dijual kosong lagi.

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Pengamat yang berkumpul di sekitar r/wallstreetbets percaya bahwa perusahaan sedang mengalami penilaian rendah secara signifikan dan dengan jumlah saham yang begitu tinggi, mereka dapat memicu pembelian mendesak dengan menaikkan harga ke titik ketika penjual kosong harus menyerah dan menutupi posisi mereka pada kerugian yang luar biasa.

GameStop, jejaring toko biasa permainan veo Amerika Serikat, telah berjuang dalam beberapa tahun terakhir karena persaingan dari layanan distribusi digital serta dampak ekonomi dari pandemi COV-19 yang menurunkan jumlah orang yang berbelanja. Akibatnya, harga saham GameStop menurun sehingga membuat banyak investor institusional menjual kosong sahamnya. Namun, pada September 2020, Ryan Cohen (mantan CEO pengecer makanan hewan peliharaan daring, Chewy) mengungkapkan investasi yang signifikan di GameStop dan bergabung dengan dewan perusahaan sehingga membuat banyak orang meyakini saham tersebut dinilai terlalu rendah.

Akibat pandemi COV-19, secara umum belanja konsumen turun drastis. Ada juga lebih banyak uang di tangan investor sebagai akibat dari suku bunga rendah secara historis dan ketakmampuan untuk membelanjakan uang mereka di tempat lain.

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Bahkan sebelum pembelian mendesak, GME telah tertarik dengan r/wallstreetbets. Seorang pengguna bernama Keith Gill, seorang pengusaha asuransi jiwa Massachusetts berusia 34 tahun,

Pada 29 Januari, Keith mengatakan bahwa ia mengira perdagangan ini akan berhasil, tetapi tak pernah mengharapkan apa yang terjadi selama seminggu terakhir.

Selain GameStop dan, dalam cara yang lebih kecil, BlackBerry, yang merupakan inti dari pembelian singkat yang dipicu oleh Reddit, banyak efek lain yang terpengaruh oleh pembelian efek setelah harga saham GameStop mulai meroket, sehingga sangat meningkatkan harga aset bagi efek berikut:

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GME Resources, sebuah perusahaan pertambangan Australia, melihat saham mereka meningkat secara signifikan lebih dari 50% selama perdagangan intrahari dan ditutup dengan kenaikan 13, 3% pada 28 Januari. Hal ini dispekulasikan terjadi sebagai lelucon mengingat simbol saham yang sama di bursa yang berbeda.

Pedagang amatir di Malaysia terilhami oleh pembelian mendesak GameStop untuk menyasar saham pembuat sarung tangan lateks di Bursa Malaysia sebagai langkah balasan kepada devaluasi sektor oleh investor institusional menyusul pencabutan larangan pembelian mendesak di negara itu pada awal Januari 2021. Top Glove, Hartalega, dan Supermax masing-masing mencatatkan kenaikan saham sebesar 15%, 10%, dan 9, 2% selama perdagangan intrahari pada tanggal 29 Januari, sebelum ditutup dengan kenaikan sebesar 8, 5%, 5, 4% and 3, 7%. Seruan pergerakan saham dilaporkan diorganisasi dari r/bursabets, saluran tiruan Malaysia dari r/wallstreetbets yang dinamakan berdasarkan bursa saham Malaysia.Bahkan, dalam sebulan terakhir, kenaikan harga saham GameStop Corporation (GME) mencapai lebih dari 1.000 persen dan menyentuh puncaknya pada angka 468 dolar AS per lembar di bursa efek New Yotk, AS (NYSE), berdasarkan informasi

Perusahaan asal Grapevine, Texas, AS ini menaungi sejumlah toko ritel di berbagai penjuru dunia, mencakup EB Games, ThinkGeek, dan Micromania-Zing, hingga GameStop itu sendiri.

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Berbagai produk yang dijual lewat jaringan ritel GameStop sebagian besar adalah konsol, video game, dan alat elektronik serupa lainnya. GameStop Corp. juga memiliki majalah seputar video game yang bernama Game Informer.

Sejarah lahirnya GameStop berawal dari tahun 1984, di mana saat itu namanya masih "Babbage's". Babbage's merupakan sebuah toko penjual software yang berlokasi di Dallas, Texas, AS.

Pada 1999, Babbage's Etc. diakuisisi oleh toko buku Barnes & Noble Booksellers. Setahun kemudian, perusahaan ini juga mengakuisisi peritel video game lainnya, Funco ,yang kemudian namanya diganti menjadi GameStop.

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Pada masa "kejayaannya" setelah IPO, GameStop mengakuisisi sejumlah perusahaan dan toko ritel, seperti EB Games, Rhino Video Games, Free Record Shop, Micromania (Micromania-Zing), Kongregate, Spawn Labs, hingga Simply Mac (ThinkGeek).

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Karena berbagai akuisisi ini, GameStop berhasil melebarkan sayapnya ke luar AS, seperti di kawasan Kanada, Australia, Selandia Baru, hingga Eropa. Per Februari 2020, jumlah toko ritel GameStop di seluruh dunia tercatat berada di angka 5.509 toko.

Masa kejayaan GameStop perlahan mulai padam setelah pelanggan mulai banyak beralih ke berbagai toko video game digital, seperti Xbox Live, PlayStation Network, Nintendo eShop, Steam, Epic Games Store, dan lain sebagainya.

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Pada 2019, GameStop mengubah strategi tokonya, salah satunya adalah menghadirkan produk game lawas (retro) dan mengizinkan konsumen di toko untuk menjajal game sebelum membelinya.

Strategi ini tampaknya belum berhasil dan memaksa GameStop harus menutup ratusan toko yang tersebar di seluruh penjuru dunia. Jumlah toko yang ditutup di tahun 2019 diklaim mencapai 321 toko.

Meski demikian, GameStop optimis bahwa performa bisnisnya akan kembali naik pada Q4 yang berakhir Maret nanti, dipicu oleh penjualan konsol generasi teranyar, PlayStation 5 (PS5) dan Xbox Series X/S.

Pembelian Mendesak Gamestop

Terlepas dari laporan keuangan yang terus melesu, harga saham GameStop belakangan terus naik dan menyentuh puncaknya di angka 468 dolar AS per lembar, beberapa saat setelah pembukaan perdagangan, Kamis (28/1/2021).

Menurut sebagian besar laporan yang beredar, hal ini disebabkan oleh tekanan dari dua sisi investor, yaitu para investor amatir di internet, seperti di sub-forum Reddit dan Twitter, dan para penanam modal aset di Wall Street (

 - Body Art Wikipedia Gamestop Credito Solidario

Para investor amatir ini mengandalkan aplikasi saham semacam Robinhood, berbondong-bondong membeli saham GameStop lantaran dipicu oleh sentimen positif (prediksi harga saham naik) dari para investor kenaamaan, seperti Chamath Palihapitiya.

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, yang memiliki sentimen negatif (prediksi harga saham turun) dikabarkan terus mengalami kerugian karena terpaksa harus membeli saham yang harganya sedang naik, sebagaimana dihimpun

"Perang" antara dua sisi ini lantas membuat harga saham GameStop naik drastis. Saat ini, harga saham Gamestop setelah penutupan perdagangan, Kamis (28/1/2021) tercatat di angka 300 dolar AS per lembar.

Sebab, apabila kenaikannya signifikan dan hanya memerlukan waktu beberapa hari, harga saham tersebut juga bisa saja merosot secara tajam dalam waktu yang cukup singkat.

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Jixie mencari berita yang dekat dengan preferensi dan pilihan Anda. Kumpulan berita tersebut disajikan sebagai berita pilihan yang lebih sesuai dengan minat Anda., the company operates 4, 413 stores including 2, 949 in the United States, 216 in Canada, 419 in Australia and 829 in Europe under the GameStop, EB Games, EB Games Australia, Micromania-Zing, ThinkGeek and Zing Pop Culture brands.

 - Body Art Wikipedia Gamestop Credito Solidario

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The company's performance declined during the mid-to-late 2010s due to the shift of video game sales to online shopping and failed investmts by GameStop in smartphone retail. In 2021, after retail investors noticed that the short interest well exceeded the float, the company's stock price skyrocketed. According to the SEC report, this volatility was only in part due to the shorts covering their positions, but mostly thanks to the massive buying power of retail investors. The company received significant media atttion during January and February 2021 due to the volatility of its stock price. The company is now ranked 521st on the Fortune 500.

In addition to retail stores, GameStop owns and publishes Game Informer, a video game magazine, transformed itself into an e-commerce business, and launched an NFT platform.

GameStop traces its roots to Babbage's, a Dallas, Texas-based software retailer founded in 1984 by former Harvard Business School classmates James McCurry and Gary M. Kusin.

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The company quickly began to focus on video game sales for the th-dominant Atari 2600. Babbage's began selling Nintdo games in 1987.

Babbage's merged with Software Etc., an Edina, Minnesota-based retailer that specialized in personal computing software, to create NeoStar Retail Group in 1994.

The merger was structured as a stock swap, where shareholders of Babbage's and Software Etc. received shares of NeoStar, a newly formed holding company. Babbage's and Software Etc. continued to operate as indepdt subsidiaries of NeoStar and retained their respective sior managemt teams.

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Babbage's founder and chairman James McCurry became chairman of NeoStar, while Babbage's presidt Gary Kusin and Software Etc. Presidt Daniel DeMatteo retained their respective titles. Software Etc. chairman Leonard Riggio became chairman of NeoStar's executive committee.

 - Body Art Wikipedia Gamestop Credito Solidario

Gary Kusin resigned as presidt of Babbage's in February 1995 to start a cosmetics company. Daniel DeMatteo, formerly presidt of Software Etc., assumed Kusin's duties and was promoted to presidt and chief operating officer of NeoStar. NeoStar chairman James McCurry was also appointed to the newly created position of NeoStar CEO.

NeoStar merged its Babbage's and Software Etc. units into a single organization in May 1996 amid declining sales. Company presidt Daniel DeMatteo also resigned,

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Condition: This lovely map is in very good vintage condition. The paper is slightly toned and its colour is commensurate with its age, lending it a creamy vintage patina, but there is no visible foxing or deterioration.

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As this is a genuine antique map, not a reproduction, it will naturally show some signs of ageing, discolouration and wear. We think this only adds to its charm, but we will endeavour to ensure any imperfections are detailed in the photos, so please examine them carefully. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to drop us a line.

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Maps are dispatched in a protective sleeve and with a cardboard insert to ensure safe shipping. Combined shipping is available on request.

We have a wide selection of original maps from all over the world and on a variety of topics, so if you are looking for something specific, please feel free to ask!

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This type of data sharing may be considered a “sale” of information under California privacy laws. Turning off personalized advertising opts you out of these “sales.” Learn more in our Privacy Policy., Help Center, and Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy.Nuremberg (/ˈ nj ʊər ə m b ɜːr ɡ / NURE -əm-burg; German: Nürnberg [ˈnʏʁnbɛʁk] ( list ); in the local East Franconian dialect: Nämberch [ˈnɛmbɛrç]) is the second-largest city of the German state of Bavaria after its capital Munich, and its 518, 370 (2019) inhabitants make it the 14th-largest city in Germany. On the Pegnitz River (from its confluce with the Rednitz in Fürth onwards: Regnitz, a tributary of the River Main) and the Rhine–Main–Danube Canal, it lies in the Bavarian administrative region of Middle Franconia, and is the largest city and the unofficial capital of Franconia. Nuremberg forms with the neighbouring cities of Fürth, Erlang and Schwabach a continuous conurbation with a total population of 800, 376 (2019), which is the heart of the urban area region with around 1.4 million inhabitants,

While the larger Nuremberg Metropolitan Region has approximately 3.6 million inhabitants. The city lies about 170 kilometres (110 mi) north of Munich. It is the largest city in the East Franconian dialect area (colloquially: "Franconian"; German: Fränkisch).

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There are many institutions of higher education in the city, including the University of Erlang-Nuremberg (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlang-Nürnberg). With 39, 780 studts in 2017, it is Bavaria's third-largest and Germany's 11th-largest university, with campuses in Erlang and Nuremberg and a university hospital in Erlang (Universitätsklinikum Erlang). Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm and Hochschule für Musik Nürnberg are also located within the city. The Nuremberg exhibition ctre (Messe Nürnberg) is one of the biggest convtion cter companies in Germany and operates worldwide. Nuremberg Airport (Flughaf Nürnberg "Albrecht Dürer") is the second-busiest airport in Bavaria after Munich Airport, and the tth-busiest airport of the country.

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Nuremberg Castle, with its many towers, is one of Europe's largest castles. Staatstheater Nürnberg is one of the five Bavarian state theatres,

Showing operas, operettas, musicals, and ballets (main vue: Nuremberg Opera House), plays (main vue: Schauspielhaus Nürnberg), as well as concerts (main vue: Meistersingerhalle). Its orchestra, the Staatsphilharmonie Nürnberg, is Bavaria's second-largest opera orchestra after the Bavarian State Opera's Bavarian State Orchestra in Munich. Nuremberg is the birthplace of Albrecht Dürer and Johann Pachelbel. 1. FC Nürnberg is the most famous football club of the city and one of the most successful football clubs in Germany. Nuremberg was one of the host cities of the 2006 FIFA World Cup.

The first documtary mtion of the city, in 1050, mtions Nuremberg as the location of an Imperial castle betwe the East Franks and the Bavarian March of the Nordgau.

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From 1050 to 1572 the city expanded and rose dramatically in importance due to its location on key trade-routes. King Conrad III (reigning as King of Germany from 1137 to 1152) established the Burgraviate of Nuremberg, with the first burgraves coming from the Austrian House of Raab. With the extinction of their male line around 1189, the last Raabs count's son-in-law, Frederick I from the House of Hohzollern, inherited the burgraviate in 1193.

From the late 12th ctury to the Interregnum (1254–1573), however, the power of the burgraves diminished as the Hohstauf emperors transferred most non-military powers to a castellan, with the city administration and the municipal courts handed over to an Imperial mayor (German: Reichsschultheiß) from 1173/74.

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The strained relations betwe the burgraves and the castellans, with gradual transferral of powers to the latter in the late 14th and early 15th cturies, finally broke out into op mity, which greatly influced the history of the city.

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The city and particularly Nuremberg Castle would become one of the most frequt sites of the Imperial Diet (after Regsburg and Frankfurt), the Diets of Nuremberg from 1211 to 1543, after the first Nuremberg diet elected Frederick II as emperor. Because of the many Diets of Nuremberg, the city became an important routine place of the administration of the Empire during this time and a somewhat 'unofficial capital' of the Empire.

In 1219 Emperor Frederick II granted the Groß Freiheitsbrief ('Great Letter of Freedom'), including town rights, Imperial immediacy (Reichsfreiheit), the privilege to mint coins, and an indepdt customs policy - almost wholly removing the city from the purview of the burgraves.

In 1298, the Jews of the town were falsely accused of having desecrated the host, and 698 of them were killed in one of the many Rintfleisch massacres. Behind the massacre of 1298 was also the desire to combine the northern and southern parts of the city,

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Which were divided by the Pegnitz. The Jews of the German lands suffered many massacres during the plague pandemic of the mid-14th ctury.

The largest growth of Nuremberg occurred in the 14th ctury. Charles IV's Gold Bull of 1356, naming Nuremberg as the city where newly elected kings of Germany must hold their first Imperial Diet, made Nuremberg one of the three most important cities of the Empire.

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Charles was the patron of the Fraukirche, built betwe 1352 and 1362 (the architect was likely Peter Parler), where the Imperial court worshipped during its stays in Nuremberg. The royal and Imperial connection grew stronger in 1423 wh the Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund of

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Body painting is a form of body art where artwork is painted directly onto the human skin. Unlike tattoos and other forms of body art, body painting is temporary, lasting several hours or sometimes up to a few weeks (in the case of mehndi or "hna tattoos" about two weeks). Body painting that is limited to the face is known as "face painting". Body painting is also referred to as (a form of) "temporary tattoo". Large scale or full-body painting is more commonly referred to as body painting, while smaller or more detailed work can sometimes be referred to as temporary tattoos.

Body painting with a grey or white paint made from natural pigmts including clay, chalk, ash and cattle dung is traditional in many tribal cultures. Oft worn during cultural ceremonies, it is believed to assist with the moderation of body heat and the use of striped patterns may reduce the incidce of biting insects. It still survives in this ancit form among Indigous Australians and in parts of Africa and Southeast Asia,

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As well as in New Zealand and the Pacific islands. A semi-permant form of body painting known as Mehndi, using dyes made of hna leaves (hce also known rather erroneously as "hna tattoo"), is practiced in India, especially on brides. Since the late 1990s, Mehndi has become popular amongst young wom in the Western world.

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Many indigous peoples of Ctral and South America paint jagua tattoos, or designs with Gipa americana juice on their bodies. Indigous peoples of South America traditionally use annatto, huito, or wet charcoal to decorate their faces and bodies. Huito is semi-permant, and it gerally takes weeks for this black dye to fade.

Body painting is not always large pieces on fully nude bodies, but can involve smaller pieces on displayed areas of otherwise clothed bodies. There has be a revival of body painting in Western society since the 1960s, in part prompted by the liberalization of social mores regarding nudity and oft comes in ssationalist or exhibitionist forms.

Ev today there is a constant debate about the legitimacy of body painting as an art form. The currt modern revival could be said to date back to the 1933 World's Fair in Chicago wh Max Factor Sr. and his model Sally Rand were arrested for causing a public disturbance wh he body-painted her with his new make-up formulated for Hollywood films.

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Body art today evolves to the works more directed towards personal mythologies, as Jana Sterbak, Rebecca Horn, Michel Platnic, Youri Mess-Jaschin or Javier Perez.

Body painting led to a minor alternative art movemt in the 1950s and 1960s, which involved covering a model in paint and th having the model touch or roll on a canvas or other medium to transfer the paint. Frch artist Yves Klein is perhaps the most famous for this, with his series of paintings "Anthropometries". The effect produced by this technique creates an image-transfer from the model's body to the medium. This includes all the curves of the model's body (typically female) being reflected in the outline of the image. This technique was not necessarily monotone; multiple colors on differt body parts sometimes produced interesting effects.

Joanne Gair is a body paint artist whose work appeared for the tth consecutive year in the 2008 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. She came to promince with an August 1992 Vanity Fair Demi's Birthday Suit cover of Demi Moore.

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Body painting festivals happ annually across the world, bringing together professional body painters and ke amateurs. Body painting can also be se at some football matches, at rave parties, and at certain festivals. The World Bodypainting Festival is a three-day festival which originated in 1998 and which has be held in Klagfurt, Austria since 2017. Participants attd from over fifty countries and the evt has more than 20, 000 visitors; the associated World Bodypainting Association promotes the art of bodypainting.

Body painting festivals that take place in North America include the North American Body Painting Championship, Face and Body Art International Convtion in Orlando, Florida, Bodygras Body Painting Competition in Nanaimo, BC and the Face Painting and Body Art Convtion in Las Vegas, Nevada.

In Italy, the Rabarama Skin Art Festival (held every year during the Summer and Autumn, with a tour in the major Italian cities), is a differt evt focused on the artistic side of body painting, highlighting the emotional impact of the painted body in a live performance

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The 1960s supermodel Veruschka has inspired bodypaint artists, after influtial images of her appeared in the 1986 book Transfigurations by photographer Holger Trulzsch.

And Diakonoff and Joanne Gair's Paint a licious. More rectly Dutch art photographer Karl Hammer has tak cter stage with his combinations of body painting and narrative art (fantastic realism).

Following the already established trd in Western-Europe, body painting has become more widely accepted in the United States since the early 1990s. In 2006 the first gallery dedicated exclusively to fine art body painting was oped in New Orleans by World Bodypainting Festival Champion and Judge, Craig Tracy. The Painted Alive Gallery is on Royal Street in the Frch Quarter.

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In 2009, a popular late night talk show Last Call with Carson Daly on NBC network, featured a New York-based artist Danny Setiawan who creates reproductions of masterpieces by famous artists such as Salvador Dalí, Vinct van Gogh, and Gustav Klimt on human bodies aiming to make fine art appealing for his contemporaries who normally would not consider themselves as art thusiasts.

Since 2005 the Australian visual artist Emma Hack has be creating photographs of painted naked human bodies that visually merge with a patterned background wall inspired by the wallpaper designs of Florce Broadhurst. Hack is best known for the Gotye music video for the song "Somebody That I Used to Know", which uses stop-motion animation body painting and has received over 800 million views on YouTube.

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Hack now creates her own canvas backgrounds and her work is oft featured with live birds, represting nature. Hack's artworks are exhibited worldwide.

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Michel Platnic is a Frch–Israeli contemporary visual artist. He is known for his "living paintings". He uses multiple mediums including photography, video, performance body-painting and painting . Platnic builds three-dimsional cinema sets that are a backdrop for his video and photography works and th he paints directly on the body of the living models he places within the sets. Using this technique, Platnic brought to life several sces of paintings made famous by artists Francis Bacon, Egon Schiele, David Hockney and Lucian Freud and placed them in a differt context.

Los Angeles artist, Paul Roustan, is known for his work in body painting and photography which spans both the fine art and commercial worlds. His body painting has garnered numerous awards, including winner of the North American Body Paint Championships.

Trina Merry is a body painter known for camouflaging models into settings, backgrounds and, in her "Lust of Currcy" series, famous paintings. Merry's collection was exhibited during Miami Art Basel in 2017

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Peruvian artist Cecilia Paredes is known for her style of painting her own body to camouflage herself against complex floral backgrounds and natural landscapes.

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Many artists work professionally as body painters for television commercials, such as the Natrel Plus campaign featuring models camouflaged as trees. Stills advertising also used body painting with hundreds of body painting looks on the pages of the world's magazines every year. Body painters also work frequtly in the film ara especially in scice fiction with an increasing number of elaborate ali creations being body painted.

The Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue, published annually, has frequtly featured a section of models that were body painted, attired in rditions of swimsuits or sports jerseys. Also Playboy magazine has frequtly made use of body painted models. In the 2005 Playmates at Play at the Playboy Mansion caldar, all Playmates appeared in the caldar wearing bikinis, but Playmates Kar McDougal and Hiromi Oshima actually appeared in painted-on bikinis for their respective months.

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Face painting is the artistic application of nontoxic paint to a person's face. The practice dates from Paleolithic times and has be used for ritual purposes, such as coming-of-age ceremonies and funeral rites, as well as for hunting. Materials such as clay, chalk or hna have be used, typically mixed with pigmts extracted from leaves, fruits or berries and sometimes with oils or fats.

Many peoples around the world practice face painting in modern times. This includes indigous peoples in places such as Australia, Papua New Guinea, Polynesia and Melanesia. Some tribes in Sub-Saharan Africa use the technique during rituals and festivals, and many of the indigous peoples of the Pacific Northwest Coast of North America now use it for ceremonies, having previously also used it for hunting and warfare. In India it is used in folk dances and temple festivals, such as in Kathakali performances, and Mehndi designs are used at weddings. It is also used

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body art originating in ancient india called

Take a quick peek at Neha Assar's Instagram page, and you might see some familiar faces. Lip kit entrepreneur and reality show queen Kylie Jenner is seen showcasing some of Assar's artistry on her abdomen, beauty YouTuber Jackie Aina sports Assar's designs on her hands, and actress Shay Mitchell subtly displays some work from Assar as well. But while Assar is considered an "artist to the stars, " she's not decorating these celebrity bodies with permanent ink; she's instead putting a modern spin on an ancient tradition called henna.

Otherwise known as mehndi, henna refers to the tradition of body painting with a paste made from the powdered, dried leaves of the henna plant, aka Lawsonia inermis. Typically done on the hands and feet, henna appears to have roots in various parts of the world but is perhaps best known for its significance as a pre-wedding staple throughout India where it is also an important part of many festivals and ceremonies.

Mehndi - Body Art Originating In Ancient India Called

"It's hard to pinpoint exactly where henna originated from since in Africa, Egypt, the Middle East and India were using it over 5, 000 years ago, " says Assar, who is the chief executive artist at Los Angeles-based Neha Assar Henna Artistry. "Traditionally, wedding henna always has the name of the significant other written in it. It is supposed to be meticulously hidden for it to be searched for on the wedding night. In the old days, arranged marriages were very common so this tradition was used as an ice breaker for the couple to get to know each other a little better."

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Henna designs are often intricate and symbolic, originating from a single point, or bindu that represents "the Supreme Reality." Artists might paint a wide range of flowing designs emanating from that point, including geometric shapes, mandalas, animals, plants and much more. "While historians may differ on details, they find common ground in concluding that henna use as an adornment dates back to at least the Iron Age, " says artist Mangala Bühler-Rose of New York City-based Mehndi NYC. "Evidence supports this early cosmetic use in ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia and elsewhere."

The cost of getting a henna tattoo depends on many different factors, including where you live, the size and complexity of the design you want and who is doing the tattoo application. Some artists charge by the hour and some by the design, but, on average, you can get a henna tattoo for anywhere from $20 to $200. If you want to attempt a henna tattoo at home, there are kits available containing everything you need for around $10 to $20 or more, again depending on design and complexity.

According to San Francisco-based artist Sabreena Haque of Ritual by Design, the material used in the henna practice is a critical part of the process. "The leaves of the plant are dried and made into a fine powder, " she says. "You can mix this powder with sugar, lemon juice and essential oils to create a paste. The plant grows best in desert areas such as the Middle East, Africa and South Asia. It was first discovered in the tombs of Ancient Egypt (3400 B.C.E.). South Asia really popularized it with their extravagant wedding traditions. Now, the art is practiced all over the world — each region has unique styles and traditions."

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The increasingly global popularity of henna has its pros and cons, according to experts. The biggest drawback is perhaps the proliferation of a chemical called paraphenylenediamine (PPD), aka "black henna." "'Black henna' contains harmful chemicals and dyes that can burn the skin and leave permanent damage, " Assar says. " need to be cognizant of what they are asking for. When you ask to get your henna done, triple-check the fact that the henna being used is chemical-free. If one opts for a black or bluish color, Jagua Gel is available and has a beautiful stain. It is all natural and is free of chemicals and dyes."

Another downside of the globalization of henna, according to Haque, is the widespread appropriation and lack of respect for the sacred tradition. "I think it's important for anyone that is receiving henna to be respectful and do some research on the traditions that are connected with the art, " Haque says. "You can start by looking up wedding traditions in the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia. You can also research some religious holidays such as Eid, Diwali, Karva Chauth and Teej. Some hold this art very sacred and it is important to ask your artists the tough questions, so that when ask you, 'what it means and where it comes from, ' you can answer enthusiastically and confidently."

Henna Tattoos: The History Of An Ancient Art - Body Art Originating In Ancient India Called

"While henna design is prevalent in South Asia, many communities — Eritrean, Somali, Romani, Moroccan and Iranian to name a few — share a vast rich history of henna design, " Bühler-Rose says. "It's important for clients to note that symbolism in many henna designs is sacred. Some communities even consider the substance itself to be sacred. Thus, henna and symbols are used respectfully, sensitively and knowledgeably. For example, placing an image of the deity Gaṇeśa on the feet would be considered disrespectful."

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"As the art continues to spread around the world, it is essential to stay educated on the origins and traditions, " Haque says. "It's also important not to make a mockery of the art or use it as a costume. Nowadays, of all backgrounds receive and also apply the art. If you are someone that is applying the art, please be mindful and don't use cultural terms to promote your henna business. Don't call yourself a Guru or change your name just to get more clients."

While the rising popularity of henna has resulted in some distortion and misappropriation of its original significance, many artists are committed to keeping the tradition alive. "I have been artistic my entire life, " Assar says. "I often visited India as a child and everything from the architecture to the textiles in fabric really inspired me to pursue Indian art in general. I would get my henna done at any given chance and absolutely loved it. I started doing henna professionally in 1994. I was 14 years old and my very first client was a bride. The rest is history."

All You Need To Know About The Ancient Indian Art Of Henna - Body Art Originating In Ancient India Called

For Bühler-Rose, henna is a way to preserve and perpetuate her history. "The use of henna evokes memories of precious quiet moments in childhood, during which henna was brewed and applied, " she says. "The symbolism and imagery associated with henna use parallels my own spiritual beliefs and religious practice. Thus, henna design is a harmonious experience for me, one during which I access and use various facets of my identity to be present with, and benefit, ."

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For Haque, mehndi is a deeply personal practice that she's been able to share with clients of all cultures. "Growing up in a traditional Pakistani home, henna was applied before religious holidays, special events, weddings, and was also applied as a self-care ritual, " she says. "I remember going to Pakistan to stay with my cousins and we would do beautiful designs for each other. I loved the process. My aunties would tell me that it was a good practice of patience and grace, as you need to be mindful as you let the henna dry and set into the skin. As a young girl, I always wanted to be an artist but my immigrant parents weren't always supportive. When it came to mehndi art, they allowed it because it kept me close to my culture and it made my family members happy when I applied it on them. After over 10 years of being a henna artist, it has now become a way for me to showcase my culture and where I come from, to express myself artistically, a way for me to help mark milestones and bring more intention into their lives."

And while Haque encourages both henna artists and clients to respect the sanctity of the tradition, she also believes a modern and gracious interpretation of the practice is possible. "I also believe in the evolution of the art, " she says. "There will be new traditions that will develop over the years, but [it's important] to always honor its roots. Henna is a simple plant, it has become the foundation to major milestones in 's lives all over the world and should be treated with reverence."Henna designing is an ancient art of decorating the body with henna which is a natural staining dye that lasts for a period of two to three weeks on application. The art of Henna design has existed for over 5000 years and its traces have been found in India, Pakistan, Africa and the Middle East. There is evidence that show that it may even be as old as 9000 years.

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Henna has natural cooling properties and people in the desert regions have been using it to cool their bodies down for centuries. They do so by making a paste of henna and

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"As the art continues to spread around the world, it is essential to stay educated on the origins and traditions, " Haque says. "It's also important not to make a mockery of the art or use it as a costume. Nowadays, of all backgrounds receive and also apply the art. If you are someone that is applying the art, please be mindful and don't use cultural terms to promote your henna business. Don't call yourself a Guru or change your name just to get more clients."

While the rising popularity of henna has resulted in some distortion and misappropriation of its original significance, many artists are committed to keeping the tradition alive. "I have been artistic my entire life, " Assar says. "I often visited India as a child and everything from the architecture to the textiles in fabric really inspired me to pursue Indian art in general. I would get my henna done at any given chance and absolutely loved it. I started doing henna professionally in 1994. I was 14 years old and my very first client was a bride. The rest is history."

All You Need To Know About The Ancient Indian Art Of Henna - Body Art Originating In Ancient India Called

For Bühler-Rose, henna is a way to preserve and perpetuate her history. "The use of henna evokes memories of precious quiet moments in childhood, during which henna was brewed and applied, " she says. "The symbolism and imagery associated with henna use parallels my own spiritual beliefs and religious practice. Thus, henna design is a harmonious experience for me, one during which I access and use various facets of my identity to be present with, and benefit, ."

What Are Some Interesting Ancient Indian Arts?

For Haque, mehndi is a deeply personal practice that she's been able to share with clients of all cultures. "Growing up in a traditional Pakistani home, henna was applied before religious holidays, special events, weddings, and was also applied as a self-care ritual, " she says. "I remember going to Pakistan to stay with my cousins and we would do beautiful designs for each other. I loved the process. My aunties would tell me that it was a good practice of patience and grace, as you need to be mindful as you let the henna dry and set into the skin. As a young girl, I always wanted to be an artist but my immigrant parents weren't always supportive. When it came to mehndi art, they allowed it because it kept me close to my culture and it made my family members happy when I applied it on them. After over 10 years of being a henna artist, it has now become a way for me to showcase my culture and where I come from, to express myself artistically, a way for me to help mark milestones and bring more intention into their lives."

And while Haque encourages both henna artists and clients to respect the sanctity of the tradition, she also believes a modern and gracious interpretation of the practice is possible. "I also believe in the evolution of the art, " she says. "There will be new traditions that will develop over the years, but [it's important] to always honor its roots. Henna is a simple plant, it has become the foundation to major milestones in 's lives all over the world and should be treated with reverence."Henna designing is an ancient art of decorating the body with henna which is a natural staining dye that lasts for a period of two to three weeks on application. The art of Henna design has existed for over 5000 years and its traces have been found in India, Pakistan, Africa and the Middle East. There is evidence that show that it may even be as old as 9000 years.

Indian Body Art - Body Art Originating In Ancient India Called

Henna has natural cooling properties and people in the desert regions have been using it to cool their bodies down for centuries. They do so by making a paste of henna and

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